Premium soil, including topsoil and garden soil, is critical for any type of landscaping project you might wish to undertake. These products serve a wide variety of purposes, helping your plant materials and turfgrass to thrive.

Whether you need garden soil or topsoil delivery in Salt Lake City, BioGrass Sod Farms has all the high-quality, affordable products you need.

landscaping tips new homeowners

Topsoil in Salt Lake City

In the natural setting, topsoil is a term used to describe the uppermost layer of earth. In the landscaping world, however, we use this term as a type of dirt that has undergone specific processes in preparation for use.

If you are familiar with the term fill dirt, you might confuse this product with topsoil. However, the two are vastly different in reality. Topsoil, unlike dirt, has been carefully screened and filtered to ensure consistency and provide the desired fine texture. It often contains a variety of organic materials that have decomposed into rich soil – potentially including leaves, bark, grass, etc.

Use topsoil for leveling low spots in your landscape and for filling the lower areas of planting beds. You can also use this product to top off an existing lawn, which helps improve resistance to weeds and pests.

Garden Soil

Garden soil is primarily a medium for growing plant life of all types. This type of soil has been significantly amended with organic materials that are particularly well suited to helping plants grow. Organic materials in topsoil typically include various types of compost – and lots of them.

These materials supply the consistency and nutrients that plant life – especially sod and turfgrass – needs to thrive. You can recognize the best garden soil in Salt Lake City by its rich, black color and earthy, natural smell.

Soil Delivery in Salt Lake City

Getting soil delivered is the easiest way to get your lawn and landscaping tasks accomplished.

Going to the local garden center or big box store for dirt is not only time-consuming but it is also risky. Lifting and loading – not to mention unloading – bags and bags of soil can leave you exhausted, stiff and sore. You also run the risk of actually injuring yourself. And, after all your effort, you probably won’t realize any value for all your hard work.

It might surprise you to know that you can get dirt delivered in Salt Lake City for about the same price as you would pay to buy and haul it yourself.

BioGrass offers garden soil and bulk topsoil delivery in Salt Lake City and throughout northern Utah. Our premium soils are specifically blended for use in our region, providing the super boost your turfgrass and plants need to thrive.

Contact us now to learn more or to schedule your soil delivery in Salt Lake City.

Compost is one of the most effective ways to achieve perfection in your garden and landscaping. This all natural landscaping material provides multiple advantages for all types of plant matter, including improving the retention of nutrients and helping roots access the critical moisture they need to thrive.

BioGrass offers the highest quality organic compost in Salt Lake City. Read on to learn more about this amazing material and how you can use it to improve the look and feel of your landscaping.

What Is Compost?

Compost is the result of combining high-quality organic matter and allowing it to break down. During the decomposition process, matter that was originally living (or that was produced by a living organism) decays into a homogenized form of ultra-rich soil. This dark, rich material is, ultimately, indistinguishable from its component parts.

Typically, landscaping compost is comprised of brown material (dead leaves, twigs, etc.) and green material, such as grass clippings and other plant materials. It might also contain advantageous elements such as steer manure, forest humus, and black peat.

In many applications, this product is a highly preferable alternative to chemical products.

How Can You Use Compost?

Compost is typically used as a form of soil amendment.

You can apply compost on the top of the soil, around plants, trees and shrubs. Used in this manner, it will eventually combine with the soil to lend its highly desirable properties to the earth.

It can be much more effective, however, when you can work compost into the native soil. This can be done by tilling the soil, as you would typically do when doing soil preparation for installing sod. You can also mix compost with topsoil for filling garden or planting beds.

Choosing the Best Compost for Your Needs

Composting at home has become a popular activity throughout the northern Utah area. However, the process can be both slow and labor-intensive. Worse, you might not produce nearly enough compost for your needs, depending on the type of project you plan to undertake.

Fortunately, if you prefer not to take a hands-on approach to producing your own compost, you can purchase organic compost in bulk from BioGrass Sod Farms.

Our compost is formulated specifically for the needs of residents of northern Utah. Our challenging native soils do not contain the elements that turfgrass and plants need. By adding our compost to your soil, you can rest assured that your landscaping will have all the nutrients necessary to thrive.

Contact us now to learn more about our exceptional quality landscaping materials, or to schedule your organic compost delivery in Salt Lake City.